Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If you think this is about you, it probably is

To succeed is to make others fail
To fail is to give in and be kicked around
They hide a smirk behind that phoney symphathy song
Speaking of sincerity but the heart beats a ryhthm of lies

You walk around with a crown made of barbie-doll heads
Signifying your reign of false purity
Don't fool me with your second-class act
Behind that mask of human skin, you just hate to see me win

A network of malice works better
Everybody just love bad news
Don't tell them any joy
Don't tell them any secrets
Don't tell them any part of you

Note: Found this in my folders from long ago, so here it is. Nothing much has changed since well...people are people. Things will get better but only if you try to make a change in yourself because you can never be able to change someone, we can guide them but ultimately it is up to the person themselves in order to make it happen....including yours truly

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