Sunday, October 30, 2011

I always get sick during the holidays XD

10 days of holiday = QUARANTINE!!!!


even walking around is a pain grrrrr!! (but that didn't stop me :P)

I didn't get the rage virus but it's close enough :P

Even typing this post is starting to annoy me XDD
oh well, I got entrepreneurship exam on thursday so I'm trying (really?) to study.
Wish me luck that I get better :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

CA1 next week!!!! *runs and hides*

Those sleepless nights...
Staring at those soulless dry pages of notes....
Hands stained blue with ink, palms glowing with highlighter fluid
Even the moon shies away from me
The sound of car engines going of in the distance, going away from this dreaded place which I call 'Home'
How I wish I could follow...but soon

Grrrrrr!!! studying always get that bit of madness out of me
But then, so does everyone XD

My current profile picture sure explains a lot of what I'm feeling right now...

Is it just me that I find myself thinking a lot more about things when I study? 
I question myself....things regarding where I am now, where I would like things to go, my 'friends'.....

Oh well, I'm not going to waste my dear brain cells when they are all activated just on memorizing pathology right?
 Your mind can only take so much of reading pathological conditions without suffering some consequences XDD

*sigh* study week gets kind of lonely sometimes but it's not as if I'm complaining. Just stating a fact that's all
Everyone has their own problems to handle (like STUDYING) and their own group of friends, I don't want to interfere thaat

Everyone should know their own place....after all

and I still don't know why I suddenly revived this dying blog out of the blue
It's not that I have a lot of readers (but if you're one of them, that's nice)
Maybe I just like to rant about my petty problems on the net, maybe it's this sad excuse for rescuing any bit of literacy left in me before it rots away leaving me with broken English at most (THE HORROR!!!)
I never facebook my problems...there's no knowing who might be glad you had them in the first place (evil humans!)

or maybe I'm getting....desperate for attention?

no offence to chubby cats...I LOVE THEM!!! SO WARM!!! SO FLUFFY!!!  *slaps self*
ok, I got myself too excited :P
I can't help myself....I loooove fluffy things (includes animals, fictional animals, humans, things, anime people)

Please kidnap this awesome-fluffy-creature and I will go from



Thursday, October 6, 2011

That time of the month again T_T

Haha no I'm not talking bout 'that' time  but its EXAM time XD

Every day that ends is filled with dread and coffee laced dreams ensure that my dreams always have detailed story lines and running around (how I wish my I could get fit this way hahaha). Must be the caffeine magic working in my head.

CA 1, please be gentle with me.....I don't want to fail you in any way :P

C'mon brain!!! work!!! work!!! but it always feel like its full of useless crap anyways....

Sometimes i wish my brain is more computerized and be able to just download information to be accessed later whenever I want. But then, it can just crash and be 'unresponsive' at the time  you needed it most.

Reminds me of my dear printer, may he suffer alone under my dusty bed for wasting so much paper and ink (not to mention time) only to produce 'ngeh' quality of printouts. For now, I'm just going to give up printing my  lecture notes for a while and deal with you later. *sigh* technology hates me

Found these pictures the other day while bumming around on the internet ;)

I can soo totally relate to this hhahahaha

Deepavali holidays coming up after my CA so at least there's something to look forward to. I come to accept the way of life here in aimst. The people, the food, the overall place in general. My usual routine basically is

-Wake up (hits snooze button so many times I myself wonder why even set the time so early)
-Express hygiene routine
-Run to class while eating breakfast XD
-Freeze in lecture
-Lunch while defrosting self
-Lab session
-Go back to room
-Sports (but it has been so long since I go anyway hehehe) or sleepy time ;)
-Aimst dinner (eat at own risk)
-Most probably 'trying' to study (haha laugh all you want)

and that's pretty much it. Monotonous isn't it.

But I don;t mind it that way. Sure I have like a non-existent social life in campus, call me anti-social if you want but almost everyone else is absorbed either in themselves, studies or their other half (read: boyfriend/girlfriend).

It's not as if I'm not capable, I am but I think it just takes too much time to be bothered by all the pointless gossips and bitching about that goes around in campus....its just not my kind of thing.

 People always like to talk about other people, especially if it's bad. Everybody makes mistakes, we're all human aren't we. Who are we to judge anyways.

Everybody has their good and bad qualities. No one is perfect but one can always try their best ;)