Wednesday, July 13, 2011

not all masks are worn for Halloween...

as the title suggests...
A covering worn on the face to conceal one's identity
To conceal one's real personality, character, or intentions.

To some, they will put on their everyday mask to get through their daily life
to prevent their real self from showing
ashamed apparantly
Living a lie...

you can't escape it
and you surely have done it before (many times)>>>>>me too many times hehehehe XD
here's some ;)

up until now,I have not found any use of algebra except for my maths homework

some random thought came up and I wondered....

would the world be a lot better if people told the truth instead of lying?
or is it much easier to hide behind a facade of lies that one has built throughout the years?

and then i imagined...
what if there is a world where no one tells lies and only tell the truth?
sure it gets pretty brutal i guess with no sugar-coating anything with white lies and all but
it sure gets pretty simple from there...

no more miscommunications
what you see IS really what you get
no more false advertising etc
you will get the answer to the ''do i look fat in this'' question LOL
no more false hopes and empty promises
the end of politics? (HAHAHA i wish)

hmph, fat chance tho. 

But i still hate people that are nice to my face and then bitch about me behind my back. Talk about traitorous %#$^%^^%&^*. Seriously, stabbing someone in the back is cowardly (you know who you are). Stabbing someone in the front is still...not a nice thing to do but at least i know who you are.
so, if you got nothing nice to better just shut up (unless i ask you not to)

and here's a random picture just cause i feel like it hehe..

p.s: i think people nowadays are choosing ayam bakar instead of ayam goreng cause the bazaar today is literally smoking with barbecue fumes. Seriously, i thank you people for making my eyes burn and me feel like roasted chicken....but at least the food is nice :D

Saturday, July 9, 2011

short post

just got the results for my year 1 final exam and I......*drumroll*...passes everything. All those sleepless nights, craving for junk food...and well lotsa FOOD was worth it. Not to mention the turmoil of emotions. GAAAHH! I especially hate this part!

but all of that is past and its time for the HOLIDAYS!!!!!

looking forward to seeing you all :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

frustration.....i get it a lot of times

I don't mind a little curiousity but come on people, even I have limits.
I get pretty tired when people ask me these lame brain questions...its like uuurgh! there's something called a brain, USE IT

  • why you look chinese?  (me: idk, its not like i have a set choice of what race i want to look like)
  • how come your english so good for malay ah? (me: my parents taught me well..)
  • asal ko ni asik speaking je ngan member ko tuh? (me: ikut suke aku la, aku nak cakap bahase ape pon asal kan aku bahagia ok, bukan nye aku kacau org ke apepe)
  • why so quiet suddenly? (me: since when is it a crime to shut up, i think a lot of people need to shut up though..)
  • how come i always see you alone? emo? (me: i choose to be alone, rather than being sucked into a group of people which i don't enjoy and have no say in it)
  • why don't you hang around with people from your own kind? (me: it doesn't mean that we're the same race that we have to stick together. Its not like I'm against them...and yes they're very nice and all but....we're different people. Its a simple fact.
  • why are you wearing tudung/hijab/jilbab? (me: cannot ah?, nothing wrong with it)
  • but then the other day how come you're not wearing it?(me: yeah i wear the headscarf where i want, when i want. It is MY OWN choice. To those 'people' thinking that they're like so good because they either wear it all the time in public or none at all, i have a message for you:

    Please mind your own damn business 
    You have no right in judging me
    And I have no obligations to answer any of your bloody questions

  • you're weird (me: ok thats a statement but thanks anyways)
  • which country are you from? (me: ok i feel slighty amused when someone asks me this, be it local or foreign but still...)

usually I'll answer these questions politely but under certain 'circumstances' I may

smile and give a short answer
refuse to answer
joke about it
turn to sarcasm
ignore the question totally
be blur and forgot what the question is about
pretend I didn't hear the question and ask what the question is again (if they dare to answer)
give a long and boring explanation
give an explanation that doesn't even makes sense

ok thats it for my mini rant. 
and another thing....