sometimes, we forget.
- to take a break
- look at how beautiful the sky is
- say i love you
- help a random stranger
- do something for free
- do things that you want to do, not of what others expect you too
- think of what you have already achieve
- smile ;)
until then, we always forget what matters for us now because we keep chasing after the future, with time running after us. Sometimes, we forget that time will always find a way to sneak up on us, when we least expect it.
Hearing news that someone has pass always make me realize how unpredictable life can be....or how fragile it is.
One minute, you're the poster girl of robust health. the next second, you're wishing of all the things that could have been.
Hence, it is difficult to live in a life only to fill it with what if's and regret. there is no point in dwindling in the past, reliving your past mistakes and fond memories. we live in the now, so one shall seize the moment, live for today and tomorrow
Its been like years since i blog about seriously. But then, with finals over and my brain is still buzzing with whats left of any in brain cells from the exam wants me to do something slightly stimulating and productive rather than wasting it all the way (since when is blogging not all that haha) . and yeah, i've been feeling kind of melancholic i guess. Hey, im still human, i still have mood swings and crap.
Been surfing the net for some random stuff (but of course hehe) and i found one of the 'brotips'. ok ok im not a 'bro' technically, but it still makes sense
Call me the anatomically incorrect 'bro' HAHAHA
so here's one ;)
Ho yeah! my uztazah was right! maybe brotips were inspired by her LOL

one word: KIASU