King Leonidas - Brushing his teeth *lol*
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
jpa story
All this hype about jpa is getting pretty stale and annoying. I mean, c'mon get over it sheeesh! oh well, might as well tell how it all began (to me at least ;))
Woke up (morning I think) but then, it was still early. So went back to sleep. Had nightmares but can’t remember any of them. At around 10-ish, messaged D whether the results are out yet. He said no, and sumthing bout people kawad-ing so I went to Deen for my 2nd breakfast :D Afterward, I went back to school and just lepak with my mom for a while. Saw many of my ‘friends’ in baju kurung. They actually believed the HM is gonna kick them out because of a stupid dress code??? muahahahaa. Anyways, I sat in the car and people watched for a while. Its amazing what stress can do to students. Based on my observation:
Had to wake up extra early for the interview (gosh, I hate mornings!). Dressed subconsciously, and ate breakfast in a zombie state. Everything was all a blur and POOF! I was at putrajaya already!Inside the building, it was really interesting to see hundreds of people my age dressed in formal clothing.(I didn’t go to my high school prom you see…) Looking at the girls who wore really nice suits and brand new baju kurung, my outfit was plain ol boring. Thank God its roomy and comfortable .
There, we are called by our birthdates. And silly me, thinking ‘ im a Januarian!!!! haha I’ll be called early so I can get this done with’ but in the end……I waited and waited but my group was called last for the morning session. My activities to occupy my last few hours before my interview include:
After the long wait, my turn is up. JENG JENG JENG!!! the interviewers were ok after all! I blurted out whatever they asked and I think one of them finds my views and answers interesting?? and I went on ‘ brushing our teeth is important so that bad germs don't enter your body blablablablabla…….And before you know it. I'm FINISHED!!!! *relief*
(fast forward to jpa results announcement)
it was on the 8 of may (ealier by 3 days huhuhuh) and the line was soo busy. So I gave up and went reading manga instead haha! Tried again at night (after a hearty meal of nasi goreng at 10 at night hehehe). ….and the page was gone! luckily someone gave the link for checking my results and it turns out…… I got ipts perubatan. Feels so lucky and grateful because I was offered as many with better results did not. Hopefully, to all who did not get jpa scholarship, don’t lose heart as you can always appeal or apply for loan.we all can keep bugging jpa lol!
Woke up (morning I think) but then, it was still early. So went back to sleep. Had nightmares but can’t remember any of them. At around 10-ish, messaged D whether the results are out yet. He said no, and sumthing bout people kawad-ing so I went to Deen for my 2nd breakfast :D Afterward, I went back to school and just lepak with my mom for a while. Saw many of my ‘friends’ in baju kurung. They actually believed the HM is gonna kick them out because of a stupid dress code??? muahahahaa. Anyways, I sat in the car and people watched for a while. Its amazing what stress can do to students. Based on my observation:
- its either I have the power of invisibility or they didn’t notice me. Or maybe a certain someone felt guilt. Or maybe it’s the chaos inside that’s clouding their senses
- the EXPRESSIONS. seriously, some people look like they have diarrhea or somethingthe teachers of course. They give a smile and said “takpayah risau sgt….saya dah tengok dh result kamu” geeeez, I was already sick to my stomach and already expecting the worst.
- Parents. yes, I actually chit chatted with one. maybe we’re both nervous. And after we get the results, they asked how’s your results.
Had to wake up extra early for the interview (gosh, I hate mornings!). Dressed subconsciously, and ate breakfast in a zombie state. Everything was all a blur and POOF! I was at putrajaya already!Inside the building, it was really interesting to see hundreds of people my age dressed in formal clothing.(I didn’t go to my high school prom you see…) Looking at the girls who wore really nice suits and brand new baju kurung, my outfit was plain ol boring. Thank God its roomy and comfortable .
There, we are called by our birthdates. And silly me, thinking ‘ im a Januarian!!!! haha I’ll be called early so I can get this done with’ but in the end……I waited and waited but my group was called last for the morning session. My activities to occupy my last few hours before my interview include:
- chatting with strangers. yeah, it helps to know that someone is feeling the exact same butterflies and also aiming for the same goal. Besides, I met fellow uwc rejects who (looking good in baju kurung and suit) before they are brought to the interview room. Even learned something new there from a girl who was applying for vet. She starts squeezing my arm for no reason when her name was called (freaky but forgivable..) Hopes for the best for her. Mad cow disease is caused by cows eating trace amount of beef, leftovers from butchers and cattle slaughter houses. Poor cows, eating a family member is just plain old savage.That explains why cannibalism in some tribes causes their women and children to succumb to similar illnesses. *haish*
- Observing others. You could be slightly amazed at what students talk in their nervous-ness. Once, i overheard a group of them discussing if they could actually go through their interview without speaking BM!! I mean, i'm not being racist or something but c'mon....its Malaysia's bahasa kebangsaan. One girl announced proudly among her friends that she apparantly seems to have 'forgotten' how to speak bm. I was like, "wtf??!! you asked for a government scholarship and yet you don't know how to speak the bahasa???" Sort of wonder how a malaysian citizen whose ancestors have come to Malaysia (previosly Tanah Melayu) a few hundred years ago.....can't speak the native language well.
- Walking up and down the corridor with no purpose. Sofia mundar-mandir hehe
- Eat. They provided free food but didn’t know bout it til later. All the best kuehs are already eaten :(
- Talk to my mom. Luv ya mom!
After the long wait, my turn is up. JENG JENG JENG!!! the interviewers were ok after all! I blurted out whatever they asked and I think one of them finds my views and answers interesting?? and I went on ‘ brushing our teeth is important so that bad germs don't enter your body blablablablabla…….And before you know it. I'm FINISHED!!!! *relief*
(fast forward to jpa results announcement)
it was on the 8 of may (ealier by 3 days huhuhuh) and the line was soo busy. So I gave up and went reading manga instead haha! Tried again at night (after a hearty meal of nasi goreng at 10 at night hehehe). ….and the page was gone! luckily someone gave the link for checking my results and it turns out…… I got ipts perubatan. Feels so lucky and grateful because I was offered as many with better results did not. Hopefully, to all who did not get jpa scholarship, don’t lose heart as you can always appeal or apply for loan.we all can keep bugging jpa lol!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Tag I'm It :D
What is your full name?
Sofia Roslan
When was the last day you seen the McDonald's signboard?
Err....a few days ago at klcc. Fyi, we were gonna watch Jangan Tegur *lol*
11 things you hate the most..
1. Real life Bitches who has a sweet and innocent exterior but has insides so rotten even the flies don't come
2. Manipulative people
3. Liars (sape makan cili die rase la pedas die)
4. People who can't keep their promises
5. Whiners
6. Underwear peeking out of your pants
7. Rejection letter(s)
8. Painful Shoes (yes yes yes, i'm a girl and heels don't just stop being a pain when i 'mature')
9. Labelling/Stereotyping me (xde keje lain lg nak buat ke)
10. Finding a leg or part of an insect in my half-finished food *gasp*
11. Not getting what I want (hehehe)
When was the last book you read?
About a couple of months ago. Mutant Message by some author. Kind of makes you wonder if the Aborigines in Australia really cannibalize their own unborn child and collect their menstrual blood.
Have you fantasies anything..?
Oh YEAH! The other day i had a spontaneous day dream of becoming Wonder Woman (sans the dodgy and unflattering costume). Oh, and getting a scholarship to further my studies abroad (don't we all want that).
5 favourite movies?
1. Beetlejuice 2. All Disney Movies!!! 3. Fight Club (just because i love to see Jared Leto's face being smashed) 4. 50 First Dates ( yeah, its a girlie movie BUT I DON'T CARE) 5. Might Boosh Movie (not even in production but a girl has a right to dream...)
Who is your current and real boyfriend now?
Julian Casablancas!! but he's married so *gasp* i'm dating an older guy...NOOOO!!!
hehehe jkjk.
Too bad he's not my 'real' boyfriend. No one right now for me :P
Name 8 of your top friends
1. 2. 3. 4. You know who you are.... 5. 6. 7. 8......tepuk dada tanya selera hahaha
4 favourite things..
1. New books 2. Winning 3. My Pets 4. Useless information
5 things that you MUST have in your survival kit in life?
1. Food!!! 2. Portable toilet (possible???) 3. Machete (for slaughtering animals.....and er cutting stuff) 4. Laptop and internet 5. GPS system device or whatever
4 Things that you always wanted but afraid being caught?
1. Wished that I could command people to self destruct *lol*
2. Go berserk with a Katana and dismember innocent/not-so-innocent/hobos/strays civilians
3. Just the usual routine of breaking stuff and throwing it around to optimize the mess effect
4. Cry out loud during a movie at a popular cinema with friends with snot flying out of control
What kind of potential must your friends or boyfriends have?
1. Great sense of humour
2. Honesty
3. Logic
4. Manners
5. Understanding
6. Loyal
6 things you want to do/be before you die?
1. Be a successful career woman
2. Saved a million before turning 45
3. Bought my own property and cars
4. See the world
5. See my own grandkids
6. .....and went to Haji of course...
3 people that you want to tagZ!!
3. If you read it then you are tagged!!
Sofia Roslan
When was the last day you seen the McDonald's signboard?
Err....a few days ago at klcc. Fyi, we were gonna watch Jangan Tegur *lol*
11 things you hate the most..
1. Real life Bitches who has a sweet and innocent exterior but has insides so rotten even the flies don't come
2. Manipulative people
3. Liars (sape makan cili die rase la pedas die)
4. People who can't keep their promises
5. Whiners
6. Underwear peeking out of your pants
7. Rejection letter(s)
8. Painful Shoes (yes yes yes, i'm a girl and heels don't just stop being a pain when i 'mature')
9. Labelling/Stereotyping me (xde keje lain lg nak buat ke)
10. Finding a leg or part of an insect in my half-finished food *gasp*
11. Not getting what I want (hehehe)
When was the last book you read?
About a couple of months ago. Mutant Message by some author. Kind of makes you wonder if the Aborigines in Australia really cannibalize their own unborn child and collect their menstrual blood.
Have you fantasies anything..?
Oh YEAH! The other day i had a spontaneous day dream of becoming Wonder Woman (sans the dodgy and unflattering costume). Oh, and getting a scholarship to further my studies abroad (don't we all want that).
5 favourite movies?
1. Beetlejuice 2. All Disney Movies!!! 3. Fight Club (just because i love to see Jared Leto's face being smashed) 4. 50 First Dates ( yeah, its a girlie movie BUT I DON'T CARE) 5. Might Boosh Movie (not even in production but a girl has a right to dream...)
Who is your current and real boyfriend now?
Julian Casablancas!! but he's married so *gasp* i'm dating an older guy...NOOOO!!!
hehehe jkjk.
Too bad he's not my 'real' boyfriend. No one right now for me :P
Name 8 of your top friends
1. 2. 3. 4. You know who you are.... 5. 6. 7. 8......tepuk dada tanya selera hahaha
4 favourite things..
1. New books 2. Winning 3. My Pets 4. Useless information
5 things that you MUST have in your survival kit in life?
1. Food!!! 2. Portable toilet (possible???) 3. Machete (for slaughtering animals.....and er cutting stuff) 4. Laptop and internet 5. GPS system device or whatever
4 Things that you always wanted but afraid being caught?
1. Wished that I could command people to self destruct *lol*
2. Go berserk with a Katana and dismember innocent/not-so-innocent/hobos/strays civilians
3. Just the usual routine of breaking stuff and throwing it around to optimize the mess effect
4. Cry out loud during a movie at a popular cinema with friends with snot flying out of control
What kind of potential must your friends or boyfriends have?
1. Great sense of humour
2. Honesty
3. Logic
4. Manners
5. Understanding
6. Loyal
6 things you want to do/be before you die?
1. Be a successful career woman
2. Saved a million before turning 45
3. Bought my own property and cars
4. See the world
5. See my own grandkids
6. .....and went to Haji of course...
3 people that you want to tagZ!!
3. If you read it then you are tagged!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Colour Me Rainbow

It has been quite a while since i last blogged so here goes..... Have you ever wondered why people nowadays are wearing more black clothing (but not the hair lol) I mean, sure black is a slimming colour and it makes looking chic easier i guess. For example, after a fashion show when all the models have paraded the designers creations, the designer almost always wear black .
Ok ok, i had to admit. Wearing black is practical (cause i have a tendency to spill things or sit on something that will stain whatever it is i'm wearing) and also, i like how it contrasts with my skin hehehehe
So anyways, i decided to make a bet with myself that i will not be wearing any black clothing for a whole week!!
I'll keep u people updated if i survived that long. Till then *flying kisses*
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Results Day
yeah i know its a few day late but whatever....
but hey, my results are satisfactory :D
a thank you to :
but hey, my results are satisfactory :D
a thank you to :
- GOD (for obvious reasons)
- my parents (for all their sacrifices and support)
- sisters (for always being the best)
- friends (for being there....)
- teachers:
- Pn. Asnita (beloved class teacher)
- Pn Maimon (thx for improving my crappy bm)
- Cikgu Zaharah Saad (thx for making me understand add maths and physics)
- Cikgu Sham (thx for being sabar throughout the year for dtg lambat n skip class :D)
- Pn Azizah (boyan force makes physics more bearable)
- Miss Ros (A1 for EST hahaha)
- Ustazah Ros (sorry if 5K came in late to your class)
- Pn Zaidaton Akma (never hand in her work hahah!)
- Pn Raji (nice hand writing)
- Pn Maimon (hehe x puas kt skolah)
- Mr Param (nando's?)
- Mr Cheang (physics & add maths)
- Mr Thangga (eventhough for a couple of lessons)
- Ms Christina ( no. 5-10 are for all the teachers who taught me at kasturi)
- Mr Fong
- En Ghazali
- Mr Lim
- Cikgu Daiva
- Cikgu EST at kasturi
Monday, March 2, 2009
emo girl comin thru'
It doesn't matter if you...
because we cannot live everyday concerned about what others dictate on a daily basis.
because we sometimes need to dispose the ones who hurt us, even though we ourselves feel the pain
even when malevolent intention is aimed at us, we must either fight it or endure it
and never run away from it
p.s: yes i know its a very emo post but ....yeah i feel the blues sometimes
- are not the smartest
- wear less than fashionable clothes
- did not inherit the 'beauty' genes
- are not liked by everyone
- have been back stabbed by a close friend
- found out what hypocrites your friends can be
- don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend
- are betrayed
- have your feelings rejected
- have your ideas thrown in the dust bin
because we cannot live everyday concerned about what others dictate on a daily basis.
because we sometimes need to dispose the ones who hurt us, even though we ourselves feel the pain
even when malevolent intention is aimed at us, we must either fight it or endure it
and never run away from it
p.s: yes i know its a very emo post but ....yeah i feel the blues sometimes
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Jared Leto vs Ricky Martin
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Those who stayed
all i want to say is thanks to all of my friends who stayed with me (through thick and thin) and helped me get through last year. In my darkest moments u made me see the light at the end of a cold dark tunnel.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
my late new year resolutions

"You're gonna be 17 only once" someone once said to me. *sigh* a sentence which kept repeating itself. The message it carries: you only live once yeah i know its kinda depressing but its awfully true!! 18 wow! I'm hereeee~~ are my resolutions:
- pray 5 times a day
- be a better daughter
- clean & tidy room all year round
- get driver license
- eat healthy
- be nicer
- networking!!
- go to gigs that i really really want to
- be a better sister
- less emo sofy
- take up another language
- execise (hahaha as if)
- stop buying useless crap
- maybe i can grow taller???
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